Intelligent Controls for Shared Assets
and take back control
Not having an asset management strategy across your entire business will be a costly mistake.
Lost, missing or damaged assets and a lack of visibility costs businesses tens of thousands of pounds every month.
Waizu is the only digital platform to provide comprehensive traceability of all your assets - from expensive shared mobile devices and tablet computers to low cost returnable transport packaging and everything in between!
Create Virtual
Smart Cabinets
With Waizu you can turn any location into a Virtual Smart Cabinet and automate the mobile device check in / out process. Whether it's a charging cabinet, a secure area, a room, a shelf, or a designated zone, Waizu’s Virtual Smart Cabinet replaces the significant expense in requiring staff members to manually check equipment in/out. If you are doing this every shift the wasted productivity hours are significant.
Create Virtual Smart Zones
With Waizu's Virtual Smart Zone you can track non-IT assets such as returnable transport packaging items (RTPs), keys, headsets and any other enterprise asset. Do you know were all your cages, totes or trays are within the supply chain? Waizu’s Virtual Smart Zone allows you to track all these non-IT assets and use existing infrastructure to do so, significantly reducing implementation costs and creating a justifiable business case.
Let Waizu do the hard work
Waizu takes care of your assets so you don't have to spend countless hours doing asset audits, trying to find equipment or just buying more as you have little to no visibility of where all your assets are. With Waizu you will know exactly when a shared mobile device is issued, returned, or accidentally placed in the wrong location. You will know where across your business all your assets are so you can trigger actions to redistribute or get them back.
Say goodbye to unpleasant surprises at your annual device audit. Say goodbye to unpleasant requests for more missing asset budget. With Waizu you will know within minutes when a handheld computer is missing and have the ability to track your other assets across your distribution centre, warehouse, retail store, and more.
Waizu Test Drive
Want to find out if Waizu is right for you?
Take us up on a 14 day FREE Waizu Test Drive and we will:
- Ship to you a Zebra TC rugged mobile device fully configured with Waizu Identity and Traceability.
- Connected to 5G so works out the box.
- Provide sample NFC cards so you can log in and explore role based apps with a different kiosk experience per role.
- Test our manual and automated missing device modes.
- See Waizu tags which can be used to track any other asset in and around your business.

Asset Traceability
Waizu uses a combination of advanced location protocols (WiFi infrastructure, cellular connection, GPS, Bluetooth), in order to both pinpoint asset locations but also trigger certain work flows / alerts - such as assets in unauthorised areas or non returned assets. This gives site level operations and IT teams absolute visibility of your estate to help with the key challenges that are faced within businesses where mobile technology and assets are used.
Our agnostic approach means Waizu works across your entire business for multi vendor, multi OS, multi asset type and multi location. Waizu has the tools to solve your asset challenges and provide a robust enterprise grade platform for how users in your business can get the most out of their asset estate - eliminating the costly productivity blockers associated with poor or no controls.
Coupled with Waizu Identity it means any missing device can be searched for by the last users name rather than trying to guess the device serial number.
Waizu Product Features
How Waizu helps our customers

Greencore Group plc is a leading manufacturer of convenience foods. They are proud to supply a wide range of chilled, frozen and ambient foods to some of the most successful retail and food service customers in the UK
Across 12 regional hubs Greencore needed a better system for checking devices in and out on each shift. They also needed help managing their bar code label usage. Devices are used applications such as ePOD and WMS and therefore critical to the operation.
The Waizu software solution now provides a tool for operations to have easy access to device and printer status and provide tools for day-to-day management.
We had so many manual processes when it came to managing our shared rugged devices and printers. Now everything is in one place with the Waizu solution."

In the relentless world of multichannel retail, Clipper are the retail logistics experts – combining the best of bricks and clicks to drive business forward.
In many Clipper distribution sites missing devices were an everyday occurrence. So much so at the start of each shift they had to manually sign out every shared handheld terminal (HHT). This amounted to thousands of hours across the 24 hr site every year.
The Waizu solution enables Clipper to take advantage of ‘Device Finder’ so if ever a missing device occurs they can use the Waizu solution to immediately locate it in their busy DC.

Seko are masters in all thing's logistics, with a primary focus on ecommerce and specialist delivery solutions - ensuring customer service excellence, time after time.
Seko had invested heavily in Zebra rugged mobile devices and needed a day-to-day solution in managing these devices and stopping them from both going missing and getting physically damaged.
Investing in the Waizu solution Seko now have user accountability every day knowing who has which device. This significantly reduced device damage as well as prevented devices from going missing.
Waizu is a great tool for an operations team to stay on top of shared devices in a distribution center. We have saved money in reducing lost and missing devices as well as reduce daily damages